Contract Title:
Better access to justice to IDPs and returnees
Ref. No:
Country :
Budget |
Contract Value |
Lot No |
Lot Status |
Publication Date |
Award Date |
Close Date |
Apps. |
Tenders |
2,000,000 |
1,910,990 |
1 |
Awarded |
10.05.2023 |
23.11.2023 |
20.06.2023 |
10 |
3 |
Shortlisted CandidatesWinning consortium is displayed in red, Consortium leader is displayed in bold
Eastern Bridge (RS), IBF International Consulting (BE), Eastern Bridge (BE), Bureau for Institutional Reform and Democracy BIRD (DE)
Evoluxer (ES), Applus Norcontrol (ES), Macedonian Young Lawyers Association MYLA (MK), Vasa Prava (BH), Centro de Investigacion y Cooperacion al Desarrollo CIDEAL (ES)
GFA Consulting Group (DE), GFA South East Europe (RS), EuroPlus Consulting & Management (SK), Partners for Democratic Change Serbia (RS)
KPMG Serbia (RS), Expertise Advisors (FR), Hilfswerk Austria HWA (AT), YUCOM (RS)
NIRAS Belgrade (RS), Arbeiter Samariter Bund Deutschland eV ASB (DE), NIRAS Polska (PL), Inititative for Development and Cooperation IDC (RS)
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